His name is Thomas Oliver Chaplin
He was born in Hastings, East Sussex , Inglaterra
thirty-fourth (34) years old
His favorite color is blue
Birthday, 8 March 1979
His parents are from David Chaplin y Sally Taylor
Tom Chaplin is my favorite singer
Tom favorite bands The Smiths, The Beatles, The
Killers, Radiohead.
Keane Favorite Song Depends on the day but loves She
opens her eyes
Thomas Chaplin
is wearing a blue shirt, black pants
He is a singer-songwriter, musician and songwriter,
best known as the vocalist and lead guitarist for the British rock band Keane,
Genres Alternative Rock.
In 1995, the trio (Scott, Rice-Oxley and Hughes)
started their first band, The Lotus Eaters. It was a cover band that played U2,
Oasis and The Beatles at Sussexpubs. Tim Rice-Oxley invited Chaplin to join the
band as an acoustic guitar player. A short time later, in 1997, the band's name
changed to Keane and Tom Chaplin became the lead vocalist.